PIP COACH wanted!
Climate-KIC Central Hungary is looking for temporary coaches for the Pioneers Into Practice program.
Job description
Job title: Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice Coach
Length of contract: June-December 2015
Reporting to: Local PIP coordinator (Central Hungary – Edit Nagy, edit.nagy@ppis.hu, 0630-304-1435)
Key working relationships: Climate-KIC PIP management team, Climate-KIC PIP Pioneers, Climate-KIC PIP hosts
Payment: Competitive
(Includes: Salary and all travel and expenses incurred for the coach training days, preparation and feedback time, travel to and from the PiP events and travel related to performing task required by the PiP programme, subsistence whilst participating on the PiP events and performing task required by the PiP programme.)
Deadline: 22 May, 2015
Knowledge, skills and experience (Essential):
- Good knowledge and understanding of the PIP Programme is a must
- Mentoring experience
- Confidence to work in scientific and technology field – specially climate
- Proven track record of negotiation skills
- Basics of business, financial literacy
- Basic but solid understanding of SME, NGO, large corporation and public institution working principles
- Supporting the development of others
- Working proficiency in English (meetings, correspondence, workshops)
- Computer literacy
Knowledge, skills and experience (Desirable):
- Good knowledge and understanding of business plan formation and project management
- Good knowledge and understanding of ideation and team development
- Leading groups of up to 50 professionals
- Entrepreneurship trainer – including soft skill support
- Basics of business, financial literacy
- Professional coach
- Climate-KIC experience
- Knowledge and understanding of Transition Thinking
Summary of the post:
Climate-KIC is one of three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) designated by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as key drivers of European excellence, innovation and growth. Climate-KIC Education creates a generation of climate change entrepreneurs/intrapreneurs and innovators with the multidisciplinary skills to develop economically, environmentally and socially sustainable approaches to mitigate global warming and adapt to its effects.
Pioneers into Practice is the professional mobility programme of Climate-KIC, aiming to create a team of agents for change. Professionals on low carbon economy from education, research, enterprise and administration put in practice their expertise in the territory to create new products and services on the field of the climate change.
The 2015 programme is delivered across the 6 members of the Climate-KIC’s Regional Innovation Implementation Communities (RICs DE, ES, HU, IT, PL, UK) and the Utrecht Region (NL) in collaboration with 5 Climate-KIC Outreach Regions (FI, IRL, PT, RO, SI), and will allow participants to understand the distinctive challenges faced by different regions across Europe in supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.
The programme includes the delivery of the following activities:
- Introductory workshop (3 days): A one-day introductory session aimed at providing an introduction to the overall objectives and components of the PiP programme, as well as to give an overview of the regional context in terms of strategies and transition challenges, complemented by a 2-day course on transition thinking.
- Placements (domestic and international, 2x app. 20 working days): Pioneers undertake two 4-week placements during the programme – a domestic placement in their region in the first half of the year and an international placement in a partner region in the second half of the year. The placements are designed to provide Pioneers with the opportunity to experience leading low carbon innovation initiatives in the regions and develop generic capabilities as well as specific know-how. The placements will focus on developing an understanding of key systemic challenges in the transition to a low carbon economy by exposing Pioneers to real low carbon projects in the regions.
- Pioneers will undertake an assignment during the placements (Group Assignment) which addresses a particular challenge identified by the programme. At the end, Pioneers will be encouraged to: produce a proposal on a new business case, business model or project proposal for addressing the particular challenge; to transfer know-how, develop a patent or a trademark; to suggest a novel advancement in an organisation, development of a service or a business plan.
- Crucibles (2x): Consist of an intensive workshop, after each one of the placements. The first enables Pioneers to share knowledge, perspectives and learning from their placements and assignments. This will be done both as a collective group and in groups related to the programme arenas to feed into the Group Assignments. The second crucible will be an opportunity to present some of the ideas and group assignments developed during the programme and to identify those which could be worthy of further support, under a competition format.
- PiP International Workshop & Innovation Festival: All participants will attend the Climate-KIC Innovation Festival, to be held in West Midlands (UK) in its 2015 edition. A PiP international workshop will be organised on the day before the Festival. Pioneers will be encouraged to use the Festival to (i) discuss their ideas with fellow Pioneers as well as partners from across the KIC and (ii) to understand the opportunities for further support for their ideas through Climate-KIC’s Entrepreneurship and/or Innovation programmes in particular.
Foreseen Schedule:
Date |
Action |
20 May-30 June |
4-week Regional Placement |
10-11 June |
Crucible I (2 days) |
7 September - 23 October |
4-week International Placement |
October |
International Workshop (1 day)+Innovation Festival (2 days), West Midlands |
13 November |
Crucible II (1 day) |
Candidates must be motivated, energetic, and available for the time periods specified, and interested in the EU context of climate change, business and innovation.
Role of Coaches:
The Regional Coaches will strength the low carbon training capacity of each region, and will play an important role in the development of regional transition platforms; to provide hands-on support to the Pioneers; to develop regional case studies, models, project proposal, new knowledge transfer agreements, novel advances in organizations, services and business plans to strengthen the delivery of programme outputs. The Coaches are involved in the PIP programme from the selection process on.
Task list for Coaches in 2015
Key responsibilities:
- Support the development of the regional transition platforms in each region
- Support the PiP Managers in the relations with regional placement hosts
- Identify and develop relevant regional case studies to include in the programme
- Provide practical learning support to Pioneers during the programme
- Provide specialist advice to Pioneers when undertaking their assignments and group projects
- Identify areas of coordination with other RIC activities e.g. innovation projects, entrepreneurship programme.
- Support Pioneers in their project assignments (domestic and international placements)
- Support Pioneers to their report activities and to describe the developed projects, the indicators, goals, results, etc.
- Providing local and contextual knowledge and experience for the participants
Detailed specific tasks:
Regarding Pioneers
- coaching, personal relations, knowledge transfer
- helping to define the required skill-set for a Pioneer
- participation in the selection process
- filling the administration sheets with updated information, upload files to GoogleDrive
- Keeping up-to-date records of activities
Regarding Hosts
- recruiting Hosts – every coach should bring at least 5-10 Hosts into the programme
- meeting the Hosts of regional and international Pioneers
Regarding Group Assignments
- collecting Group Assignment ideas (from Host or from his/her own network)
- Group Assignments – following the work process: regular meetings with Pioneers, facilitating the process
Regarding reporting
- actual validation of the reports
- explaining KPIs to Pioneers
- explaining and applying the Transition Thinking Theory
- attending regular meetings – every two weeks, duration: maximum 2 hours
- attending the meeting before every workshop, duration: maximum 2 hours
E-mail correspondence
- replying within 2 days
- replying within 4 hours during intensive periods (selection of candidates, preparing workshops, matching)
- keeping up-to-date records on availability (should announce the dates when she/he is not available, registers it into the coach calendar)
Phone correspondence
- available via phone, calling back within 1 day
- available via phone, calling back within 2 hours during intensive periods (selection of candidates, preparing workshops, matching process)
- attending workshops, hosts sections on workshops
Please send your application (CV & short (max 1 page) motivation letter) by e-mail only to: edit.nagy@ppis.hu
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview on 27-29 May, 2015.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.