The effects of climate change are daily felt in our lives now. But probably we have never been so close to turn the tide of history. This december in Paris leaders of 190 countries will gather for the COP 21 International Climate Summit to agree on a new global commitment for the protection of Earth’s climate.
Renewable: 100% POSSIBLE
Let’s send a clear message to Paris for the national delegation to fight for an ambitious global agreement and also look towards the national interests: to make energy efficiency and renewables top priority in Hungary.
Send a message to the Climate Summit
Bring a tree leaf with you, which we will dispatch from the Liberty Bridge as a simbolic act of sending a message of hope to the decision makers and the world.
We Count on You!
On November 29. 13:00 at Erzsébet sq. fountain
13:00 Rallying
13:30 Climate March on the city ring
14:50 Group Action: letting go of the leaves from Liberty Bridge
15:00 End of the demonstration
Afterparty at MÜSZI (Blaha Lujza sq.) from 16:00!
This event is the people’s climate march, free of politics: please do not bring political symbols or logos with you to help us show that the climate is our shared issue! But we happily welcome all creative messages, including drawings, paintings, photos, etc.
Please RSVP on Facebook or on Avaaz. Send this invite to your friends and social network and use the #COP21 #Earthtoparis #ClimateMarch hashtags