The Accelerator programme of EIT Climate-KIC, started in 2013, is open for young entrepreneurs thinking in sustainable innovative solutions. The owners of the most promising ideas will receive a total of €40,000 non-refundable grant during the 1,5-year long programme, which can be used to develop their business. The application for the programme is open until March 10.
In 2018 the Earth Overshoot Day was on the 1st of August. On this day mankind reached the point when it consumed the resources of the earth which were supposed to be enough for a year. As this day is coming earlier year by year, using greentech solutions and the implementation of ideas with responses to the current and future challenges of climate change are becoming increasingly urgent. It is important for all kind of companies to support sustainable development processes, therefore we can meet the needs of the people living in the present, without impairing the possibilities of the future generations.
Smart solutions for the sustainable development
Accelerator programme of EIT Climate-KIC aims to promote this goal mentioned above, and it is open for startups providing technology and business solutions for the challenges of climate change. As the most successful and largest incubation programme of Europe, a total of €450 million of external resources have been distributed so far and more than 1000 incubated startups have been involved since 2010. In 2018 20 startups took part inthe programme in Hungary and 8 of them were supported with a total €72 500 to develop their ideas. Their target market and operation area are diverse, there are applicants aiming to enter the market of sustainable pet food, while others are committed to solve the problem of wasting water with a brand-new business model using nanotechnology car wash.
In addition to financial funding, the incubation programme provides strategical business advisory support as well. Like in autumn 2018, the innovators can count on the experts of KPMG along with the coaches of EIT Climate-KIC, as they also help in the three-stage process of developing the business model, getting to know the market and preparing for the investors’ requests. This way startuppers can have access to the same expertise and knowledge as multinational companies, besides they can test the market potential of their ideas in real economic environment.
At the end of the programme prominent startups can get up to €40 000 support to develop their product or service innovation.
The main point is that the new product or service has to be more energy efficient, water-saving, less waste-producing or less polluting compared to the traditional solutions. The programme can help the startups in every phase, as besides financial support applicants get strategic guidance in order to create a competitive business from the idea.
Startups can apply for EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator powered by KPMG programme until September 10.
EXTENDED application deadline for our 2019 Fall intake: 14th September midnight (23:59 CEST).
You can find further information and the application form here.